Linux Process Is Listening Upon a Port 1) netstat command or ss command – a command-line tool that displays network connections, routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics. 2) fuser command – a command line tool to identify processes using files or sockets. 3) lsof command – a command line tool to list […]
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager OLVM
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager OLVM (Need 2 Server and 1 Manager VM) Introduction Virtualization made a significant change in the IT (Information Technology) industry. This technology helped many organizations to use server resources efficiently. Server virtualization revolutionized data center management and helped organizations cut the fat out of the IT infrastructure. This was a […]
Centos 7 Kannel 1.4.5 and MariaDB 10.3 Install and Configure 2018
Centos 7 Kannel 1.4.5 and MariaDB 10.3 Install and Configure 2018 SEP How to install kannel in centos 7 (patch) yum update yum groupinstall ‘Development tools’ -y yum install openssl-devel openjade jadetex docbook-style-dsssl texlive-dvips ghostscript transfig ImageMagick libxml2-devel bison-devel byacc texlive-collection-xetex -y transfig error wget rpm -Uvh transfig ====================================================== Kannel do not work […]
Centos 7 Lamp
1) Basic Setup a) change default root password to hard one #passwd root b) create user # adduser sabin # passwd sabin ip address yum update yum wget yum install yum-utils traceroute bind-utils fail2ban net-tools nmap telnet links chrony epel-release-latest-7 -y yum install -y systemctl enable chronyd systemctl disable postfix hwclock date timedatectl […]
Amazon Web Services EC2 S3 Auto Scale
Introduction to Amazon Web Services [Video] Getting Started with Amazon EC2 – Install, Configure, Connect Auto Scale with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Scalarium introduction to EC2 Cluster Management Oreally webcast ec2 Tutor amazone s3 online harddrive Introduction to Private Cloud Computing with Ubuntu Enterprise […]