- Boot From cd
- Skip Custom kernel configuration
- From Menu, Select Custom
- Select Partition,
- delete current partation using (d)
- Use entire disk slice (A)
- [if you have different requirement then partation according it]
- quit (q)
- Select Standard Boot Manager (BootMgr)
- Select Label
- Use Auto Default (A)
- quit (q)
- Select Distribution
- Developer,
- Kernel-Developer,
- Install Ports
- User
- Select Media –> CD
- Commit –> yes
- Visit last Configuration –> no
- After rebooting
- FreeBsd 4.0
- /stand/sysinstall
- FreeBsd 6.0
- sysinstall
- Select Root for rootpasswd
- Select Use Management (create user)
- Select Time Zone
- Asia –> Nepal (NPT)
- Select Network Service
- interface
- inetd disable
- ntpd up
- Select Exit –> Exit
- Select Exit Install, remove cd from cdrom
- pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
- /etc/rc.conf
- /stand/sysinstall
- Select Distribution
- Select ports
- Select src (all)
- /etc/ssh/sshd_conf
protocol 2
protocol 2
- vi /etc/csh.cshrc
- setenv HTTP_PROXY http://proxy.sabinshrestha.com.np:80
- vi /etc/profile
- export HTTP_PROXY http://www.sabinshrestha.com.np:80
- Ports Upgrade
- vi /usr/local/etc/cvsup/ports-current-supfile
- *default host=cvsup11.FreeBSD.org
- *default base=/var/db
- *default prefix=/usr
- *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6 (Please put release no instead of 6)
- *default delete use-rel-suffix
- *default compress
- ports-all tag=.
- cvsup -g -L2 /usr/local/etc/cvsup/ports-current-supfile
- edit /etc/crontab
- 00 00 * * * root cvsup -g -L2 /usr/local/etc/cvsup/ports-current-supfile > /dev/null 2>&1
- Using Ports
- example of installing mc package
vi /etc/make.conf (5.x) vi /etc/defaults/make.conf (4.x)
cd /usr/ports/misc/mc make install